Accessing data from the spectrometers and network storage on
Windows and
Mac computers
All the NMR
spectrometers run the network service "samba" (SMB) to export
network shared
drives in a Windows and Mac-compatible format. All of those
shares are named nmrdata. Additionally, the NMR network repository
( has two SMB shares on it containing
archived data. One is called data and it collects a nightly
update of
all the data taken on the spectrometer host computers and adds it to the repository. The second
called sun_data and it contains the data we recovered from the older
Sun workstations, plus the data taken on the Linux hosts up through
mid-November 2008.
To access these shared folders as network drives under Windows, go to
This PC, -> Computer, and choose Map Network Drive.
Choose an unused drive letter. In the Folder box, put
the name of the spectrometer you wish to connect with:
or for the archives on the server:
and then click Connect using a different
user name. Enter the user name nobody (nobody2 in the case of mangia) and the password (ask the
NMR lab staff if you do not know)
and click OK. Click Finish in the Map Network Drive box; in a few
seconds, you should get a new directory view window of the user
tree. (If you check the box to save your login information, then you can
skip these steps in the future.) For the Varian instruments, go down the tree home -> your
username -> vnmrsys
-> data to get to
the data folders. For Bruker, go to your username, nmr, then to individual spectra
To do the same operation on a Mac, choose Go ->
Connect to server. In the box that appears, type
smb:// (or other machine name as shown
above). Note the
forward slashes here, unlike the back slashes for Windows. At the
next step,
you will be
prompted for the name and password (same as above).
By default, everyone within Caltech has read permission
to the data in all the trees. Read permission also gives you
permission to copy
to anyplace you have write permission (such as the desktop of your own
computer or local drives you may have). The nobody
account does not have any write access. (Write
access in Linux also grants permission to delete files.) It is possible to make data folders inaccessible to other users by default, and set up Samba access with an alternative user name and an individual password. However, there are many reasons why someone would legitimately want to view data in someone else's folder, so we discourage making that a default setting.
The Linux desktop will automount many types of USB devices if
you just plug them in to a free USB port. A directory view should
automatically appear and you can drag and drop files into it.
When you are done, close that window, right click on the USB
drive icon, and unmount it before removing the USB drive.
From off campus, you can also access
the network drives if you can make a VPN connection to the Caltech